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Monthly Archives: January 2011

Indiana State Fair Giant Pumpkins

Indiana State Fair 2010

Hello everyone to Michael D. Stewart dot com I hope to make this website more interesting over time but right now the coolest part is my audio page. I will posting various audio from different shows and commercials on that page. I also will start using this site as a cancer fight update. Thanks for stopping by and keep checking for updates.


Michael D. “Stew” Stewart

Since I started Chemotherapy on January 4th Ought Eleven my days have been filled with extreme tiredness. The 5th, 6th and 7th I was fine. But on my birthday Jan 8th I awoke with extreme exhaustion. I played bocce ball at Center Lounge OK enough to get a victory. That night I made it through dinner at Taco Real with Kristin Brian Bridget Greg and Jeni no problemo. (see what I did there?, a little spanglish) We went to Flat Rock Tap that night and I was feeling fine. Sunday morning I came home, thanks to Jessica, slept from 3amish to 5pm Sunday evening. I then barely moved from my back room chair where I watched Machete with mi papa. Finally went to bed around Midnight and then Monday I awoke around 11 hours later. Man sleeping is OK but I do not like being this tired. Tuesday was my day for a blood test and I was expecting a low low red and white blood cell count. My blood cell count was expected, aka nothing out of the ordinary. I will talk more about my blood counts and test results in another post. So my Doctor, Dr. Jano tells me we are going to do a Bone Marrow Aspiration test. OH JOY. We do that and now I await my next appointment on Jan 20th for a blood test and the bone marrow results. Well Wednesday an Thursday I have felt great, yes I am tired and sleep about 9-10 hours but I make myself get up and live life. God Bless all those who are praying for me and keeping the Stew in their thoughts. I love you all and truly feel your love.
